Septal surgery is safe, but there are some risks. Sometimes your nose can bleed after this operation, and we may have to put packs into your nose to stop it. This can happen within the first 6 - 8 hours after surgery or up to 5 - 10 days after surgery. Rarely you may need to return to the operating theatre with another general anaesthetic to stop the bleeding.
Infection in your nose is rare after this operation but if it happens it can be serious, so you should see a doctor if your nose is getting more and more blocked and sore. Rarely, the operation may leave you with a hole in your septum inside the nose going from one side of your nose to the other. This can cause a whistling noise when you breathe, crusting with blockage or nosebleeds. Most of the time it causes no problems at all and needs no treatment. Further surgery can be carried out if necessary to repair a hole in the septum.
Very rarely you may find that the shape of your nose has changed slightly, with a dip in the bridge of your nose. Most people do not notice any change, but if you are not happy with it, it can be fixed with surgery. Very rarely, you can have some numbness of your teeth, which usually settles with time.